EXPOSED: So I know you are an actor and have appeared in several different series (Get Smart, Nip/ Tuck, and CSI: NY just to name a few), do you have any other Projects that you are working on?
LINDSAY: Yes, I started writing my own films and tv pilots over ten years ago and I have a teen horror film called "Fat Camp Massacre" that I'm currently raising money for. It explores bullying and body positivity. I feel this is a perfect time for the film with the bopo movement.
EXPOSED: Where are you from (originally)?
LINDSAY: A small city outside of Columbus, Ohio.
EXPOSED: How old are you?
LINDSAY: 42 say waaa! Age is a weird thing in Los Angeles since we have no seasons we don't feel time progress therefore it doesn't feel like you're actually aging. It's weird.
EXPOSED: How did you get into acting?
LINDSAY: I think I always had the bug, but it wasn't until my sophmore year of HS when I first took drama and in class I was picked to read a role in the fall play we were doing and I knew that part was mine. I auditioned, got the role, and found myself crawling around in a Neil Simon play in front of all the kids who had made fun of me since elementary. But now they were laughing because I was making them laugh. It was a huge turning point in my life.
EXPOSED: What motivates you in your career!
LINDSAY: I truly love acting and performing for others. I love film as a medium because it's so intimate. I feel as a character actress, the best years of my career are yet to come!
EXPOSED: It seems that you and a group of other actors have formed a sense of community in Hollywood in support of each other! What lead to this?
LINDSAY: Really only other actors know what it's like to be an actor. And for plus size actresses, we always see each other at the same auditions. We know how few roles there are for women of size, so even if we don't get a role we end up being happy that one of us do get it.
EXPOSED: Okay so serious question. Star Trek, Star Wars, or neither?
LINDSAY: Neither (sorry!)
EXPOSED: OUCH, that one is gonna leave a mark! lol (post script)
EXPOSED: What is your goal or legacy do you want to leave?
LINDSAY: I really was one of the only girls of my size working in my 20's and I do feel like I helped pave the way in a sense. A lot of credit is given to Melissa McCarthy and Rebel Wilson, which I get, but I'm proud of how many roles I played at almost 400 pounds. Now I want to create strong, hilarious roles for women of all sizes and have that be my legacy. Opening doors.

EXPOSED: What if anything drew you to THE NAKED PROJECT?
LINDSAY: Unapologetic women of all shapes and sizes.
EXPOSED: Would you consider joining the Project? I think you gave me the answer already, lol.
LINDSAY: I did? Did you ask? What did you ask?
EXPOSED: Why would you consider joining the Project?
LINDSAY: I'm all about being a part of projects that are unique and make waves and have the potential to help change lives.
EXPOSED: Do you find the Project empowering and if so why?
LINDSAY: Every single day women are asked to apologize for the space they take up in our society. We need to stop apologizing. We deserve to be here like anyone else.
EXPOSED: Would you recommend THE NAKED PROJECT to a friend, and if so why?
LINDSAY: I will support the project (and get to know it better).
EXPOSED: Any other last words or inspirational expressions?
LINDSAY: What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
EXPOSED: Where can we follow your journey?
LINDSAY: IG @lindsayhollister, Twitter: @lindshollister